How to Conduct a Course Audit: A Comprehensive Checklist

Adapting to technology and industry trends, meeting your student’s needs, and refining your course content are crucial updates that can either make or break your course’s ongoing success.

Regular course audits are pivotal in this process, providing a systematic approach to ensure your course remains effective and relevant.

By keeping your course timely and engaging you will improve your student engagement and completion rates. 

How to Conduct a Course Audit

In the competitive world of online education, it’s not just a goal but a necessity to stay ahead of your competition and focus on your student engagement. The key to your ongoing success in this rapidly changing era lies in your ability to adapt and improve your program or course continuously. 

Creating an online course is no longer a one-time task. Your course is a living entity that needs regular updates and reviews to keep delivering the promised transformation for your students.

Adapting to technology and industry trends, meeting your student’s needs, and refining your course content are crucial updates that can either make or break your course’s ongoing success. Regular course audits are pivotal in this process, providing a systematic approach to ensure your course remains effective and relevant. Investing your time and effort to do this for your students will help unlock higher student engagement, increase your completion rates and result in more glowing testimonials. 

What is a Course Audit?

A course audit is a systematic and objective evaluation of your online learning experience. During an audit you will review your content, technology, and overall student experience and engagement to gauge how effective your course is in meeting its learning objectives.

By closely examining instructional materials, delivery methods, assessment tools, and student data, a course audit pinpoints the strengths and weaknesses of your course. This analysis will uncover areas for improvement. The aim is to better align the course with the stated learning goals, confirm it’s continuing accuracy, improve its delivery, and maximize its value to encourage student engagement.

Benefits of a Course Audit

In addition to the benefits listed above for your students, as the course creator, conducting regular course audits will also benefit you.

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Knowledge fields evolve swiftly, and yearly audits help you incorporate the latest industry trends and research into your course material. This keeps your offerings fresh, attracts new students, and establishes you as a thought leader in your field.
  • Improve your Student’s Success: Audits analyze student data and feedback, revealing areas where learners might struggle. By promptly addressing these pain points, you improve course comprehension, completion rates, and overall student satisfaction, leading to glowing testimonials and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Optimize the Course Delivery: Technology advancements and evolving learner preferences necessitate regular platform and delivery method checkups. Yearly audits identify outdated elements, clunky interfaces, or ineffective activities, allowing you to revamp your course for a seamless and engaging learning experience.
  • Maximize your ROI: Regularly fine-tuning your course attracts a wider audience, improves completion rates, and fosters positive reviews. This translates to better enrollment numbers, higher revenue, and a stronger return on your initial course creation investment.

As you can see, regular course audits are a valuable tool to maintain your course’s relevance, improve your student’s engagement, and establish your competitive edge in this competitive online education landscape. Next, will explore the key components of a course audit. 

Key Components of a Course Audit

A course audit can sound like a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be.

Whether you’re conducting your first audit or refining your routine, this comprehensive checklist will guide you through every key aspect of your course to identify areas for improvement and maximize its effectiveness. Below is a quick overview of the sections the comprehensive course audit will cover. 

  • Content
    • Is the content accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the current industry trends?
    • Does the content flow logically?
    • Are all links working?
    • Are the delivery methods varied (lectures, videos, audio, etc)?
  • Design
    • Are fonts consistent throughout the course?
    • Is all of your branding current?
    • Are italics, bold, and underlining used for emphasis, to draw attention to the most important parts or key ideas in the content?
    • Is content broken up with headers, sub headers and bullets to aid in readability?
  • Course Platform
    • Are the student’s log-in instructions up-to-date, clear and easy to follow?
    • Are navigation, search and communication tools readily available and functional?
    • Is the course table of contents readily available?
    • Can the course be viewed on a mobile or tablet device?
  • Student Engagement
    • Are there opportunities for students to interact with each other and with you (as the course instructor/creator)?
    • Does your course utilize various methods of modern teaching technology to keep your student engaged?
    • Are the situations or examples within the course directly relatable to the student and still relevant?
    • Is there an “aha” moment or quick win for your students within the first week of the course?
  • Feedback
    • Are you regularly collecting and analyzing student feedback through formal surveys as they are completing the course?
    • Are you regularly reviewing other student feedback submitted via customer service inquiries, message boards and discussions?
    • Are you responding promptly to student questions or feedback?
    • Are you reviewing reports provided by your course platform such as completion rates, individual user reports, and grading to expose common points of frustrations for your students?
  • Accessibility
    • Do all meaningful images have descriptive alt text?
    • Are captions included for all audio and/or video elements?
    • Can all course elements be operated via a keyboard?
    • Does the course meet the current standards for accessibility?

The key to a an effective course audit is to be thorough, objective, and keep the focus on improving the overall learning experience for your students. By conducting regular course audits and implementing improvements, you can be confident your online learning program will remain relevant, engaging, and impactful.

Let Me Leave You With This

The future of online education is dynamic, and those who embrace a mindset of continuous improvement will continue to thrive in the industry. 

A comprehensive course audit is an investment that reaps rewards for both you and your students. By addressing the areas outlined in this checklist, you can enhance your student engagement, boost completion rates, and establish yourself as a leading course creator in your field.


Maintaining an amazing course takes dedication – and I’m here to help!

Get a done-for-you course audit for just $1000!

Here’s what you’ll receive:

✔️ Comprehensive review of your content, design, student feedback and technology.
✔️ Detailed, actionable feedback on strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
✔️ Specific recommendations for optimizing your course for maximum impact.
✔️ Confidence that your students are getting the best possible learning experience.
✔️ 30 days of unlimited email support after the audit.
✔️ Discounted rates to implement any recommended course revisions or updates.

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