How To Set Better Business Goals

Let’s dive into the art of crafting BETTER business goals. It’s not just about jotting down your dreams for the next year; it’s about setting the right goals and creating a plan to turn them into reality. So, grab something to write on – you’re in for some aha moments that you won’t want to forget. I’ll walk you through the steps on how to set goals that will move your business forward.

How to Set Better Business Goals

Hey Solopreneurs! Now that you’re fully on board with the benefits of setting goals for your business (if you need a quick recap, check out my firsthand experience here), let’s dive into the art of crafting BETTER business goals.

It’s not just about jotting down your dreams for the next year; it’s about setting the right goals and creating a plan to turn them into reality. So, grab something to write on – you’re in for some aha moments that you won’t want to forget. I’ll walk you through the steps on how to set goals that will move your business forward.

Step 1: Create (or Revisit Your Vision Statement)

Just like planning a vacation starts with choosing a destination, your goal planning should start with your vision statement. Your vision statement is the ultimate place you want your business to go.

If you already have one, take a moment to ensure it still excites you and aligns with your business’s current direction. As a solopreneur, you have the flexibility to amend it if needed – don’t stick with a vision statement that no longer excites or motivates you. It will derail your motivation and progress. 

If you don’t have a vision statement yet, take the time to create one. Trying to run a business without a vision is like planning a vacation to an unknown destination – how will you know when you get there, and is there somewhere better you could be going? Take the time to craft one that resonates with you. If you need guidance or inspiration on crafting your statement, check out this post.

Now that you know where you are going let’s look back at where you have been.

Step 2: Reflect on Your Highs and Lows of the Past Year

Growing up, each night over dinner, we would go around the dinner table and share our “high” and “low” of the day. The high was the best thing that happened to us. And the low was the worst. It could have been as big as I aced the test I had been stressing about for the past month or as trivial as they served red jello in the cafeteria.

I now apply this exercise to my business and recommend you do the same. Reflect on the past year – what worked, what could have been better, what excited you, and what you kept putting off. This introspection helps refine your strategies and ensures your goals align with your strengths and weaknesses.

Step 3: Review your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a measure of your success vs. your set of goals AND industry peers/standards. Which specific KPIs you should review will depend on your type of business and industry. This analysis will help reveal your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, guiding your goal-setting process.

The KPIs most solopreneurs should review include:

  • Website KPIs – These can include unique website visits, traffic by source, conversion rate and bounce rate.
  • Email Marketing KPIs – These can include bounce rate, email delivery rate, open rate, click through rate, and conversion rate.
  • Revenue KPIs – These can include total revenue, total expenses, net income, and profit margin.
  • Customer Centric KPIs – These can include customer acquisition cost, customer’s lifetime value and customer satisfaction.

Step 4: Research Trends in Your Industry or Niche

Now, I want to be clear.– the purpose of this step isn’t to turn you into a copycat of influencers in your industry or niche. Not at all. Instead, I encourage you to research the trends in your niche and not imitate, but adapt these trends to fit your business.

For example, I shifted my focus from Instagram to LinkedIn based on a trend I noticed in my niche. But, I didn’t do it just because it was the popular move. I made the change because it not only promised to benefit my business, but it also resonated more with my personal communication and personality style. It just felt right for me. Incorporating trends isn’t about blindly following or copycatting others in your industry; it’s about identifying what shifts in the marketplace you can take advantage of that also aligns with your business goals and personal preferences.

In the hustle and bustle of day-to-day business, it’s easy to miss what has evolved in the past year. By taking the time to uncover these trends and thoughtfully incorporating the relevant ones into your goals, you not only stay ahead of the curve but ensure that every strategic move you make is a purposeful one.

Step 5: Document Your Goals

Now, you should have some goals swirling around in your head so it’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and document them. Don’t judge them. Don’t tell yourself that some of them are unattainable or even silly. Just write them down. Just the act of writing them out will encourage you to think deeper about them, get more specific and think them through even further.

Below are additional tips to write more effective goals:

  • Write your goals in an active voice. Stay away from statements like ‘I would like to’ or ‘I should’. Instead start each goal with ‘I will.’ For example, ‘I will increase my email subscribers by 10%’ is a much stronger statement than, ‘I should increase my email subscribers by 10%.’
  • SMARTen up your goals. I know SMART goals is not a new concept so I won’t spend time delving into the details. This is just a reminder as you write your goals, reread them and revise them until they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

An example of a well written goal is ‘I will increase my email subscribers by 10% by the end of this year.’ It is specific (increase email subscribers), measurable (by 10%), achievable (with a plan in place), relevant (it will help you grow your business) and time-bound (by the end of this year).

Step 6: Prioritize Your Goals

You can’t do everything at once and trying is a surefire way for overwhelm and burnout. And let’s be honest, not all goals are created equal.

Now that you have your SMART goals written down let’s take it a step further and prioritize and then schedule your goals. Remember these are your yearly goals which means you have 365 days to complete them all.

Below are some questions to ask yourself to help prioritize your goals.

  • How long will this goal realistically take to accomplish?
  • What positive benefit will accomplishing this goal have on my business?
  • Which goal am I most excited to start?
  • Which goals can I start on today and which ones do I need more training or resources to accomplish?

Once you have your goals ranked in the order you will start them it’s time to create your plan to reach your goals.

Before creating your detailed plan, I recommend reflecting on your goals for at least 24 hours. If something doesn’t excite you, remove it. If you feel you overlooked something, add it. As a solopreneur, these are YOUR goals for YOUR business.

Now that you have your SMARTer goals it’s time to develop your detailed plan to make them happen.

In my next post, I’ll guide you on using your Project Management platform to create a detailed plan, assign due dates and milestones to track your progress, and leverage automation features to create your very own accountability partner.

Let Me Leave You With This

I am so excited that you are taking the time and energy to plan your goals for the next year. I cannot overstate how this process has been a game changer for my business and I hope the same for you! By taking the time to reflect on the past, defining your clear mission, and setting your SMARTer goals I think you will be amazed at the transformation you will see in your business. Here’s to an exciting year of growth and success!